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    Price €15.00
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Frequently Asked Questions

What clothes does Tiovivo accept?

San Patricio gently used uniforms, which are washed without stains, holes and tears. New! We started to accept children's clothes from a high-quality brands like: Nike, Adidas, Jordan,Converse, Vans, Gap, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Coconut, Billieblush, Desigual, Zara, etc.

Why we don’t accept basic brands like Sfera, H&M, Primak, etc?

Experience tells us that you pay for what you get! The brands we sell are made with higher quality material that lasts longer.

How do I drop off uniforms or children's clothes to Tiovivo?

Contact Anna at and arrange time and date.

Do I need to fill out any forms?

Yes, when you drop off your uniforms, the Tiovivo form needs to be enclosed. Please find the form here...

When will I hear back?

Tiovivo staff will contact you within 5 days and will let you know if your clothes were accepted.

How do I get paid?

Once your clothes have been processed, we will send you an email with the following options and rules: You can choose cash (40% of the resale price) or store credit (50% of the resale price). Uniforms that are not purchased will be returned or donated (always with your permission). Important note! You cannot switch between cash and store credit. Once you choose store credit and after the purchase you still have some money left, that money remains in your store credit and will not be paid in cash.

What happens to the uniforms which were not accepted?

They will be either returned to you or donated to local charities.